1. 4 positions in building department have been eliminated (about $300,000 savings)
2. Street Reconstruction is being funded from TIF 4 instead of General Fund (TIF allows for capital expenditures only & not operating exp) - about $305,000 now TIF Funded.
3. Capital Equipment Expenditures for items such as 3 police squads & 2 pickups with plows are purchased through capital equipment fund. This fund has been used for several years to fund the City's capital equipment purchases-Used to purchase through capital equipment certificates and Levy debt service to taxpayer (about $225,000)
4. In the past three years the City has retained in the General Fund excess revenues over expenditures from annual adopted budgets to offset forecasted shortages in 2010 (about $230,000) This retainage is being used to offset the annual internal loan repayment to the City on the PW site & the Municipal Building
5. Staff line item cuts on supplies, training, etc was reduced by approximately $156,000 We are moving towards going paperless saving thousands, etc.
6. Park & Rec Seasonal - includes seasonal & County Work crew was reduced by $46,000
7. Municipal Center lease to Anoka County $35,000
8. Newsletter ad outsourcing will Generate about $35,000 (net $5,000 in savings)
In fairness the article does not shed light on the fact that we lowered the general fund levy, but we raised the HRA levy, which is a separate levy, by $100,000. The net reduction $833,000.
All of these figures are based on a budget that still needs to be approved by the council. Perhaps we can find other ways to cut more?